Una vida holística verdaderamente auténtica en un ambiente familiar discreto donde puedes estar tan relajado o tan activo como desee. En Ki-Ra se trata de ser ese cambio que deseas ver, a tu manera y en todos los sentidos.
En Ki-Ra, creamos un espacio para la curación y la re-conexión sin eliminar la diversión, la calidad o el estilo. Tomamos la salud y la felicidad como la base para una vida holística y brindamos una alimentación saludable combinado con actividades diarias en un entorno costero idílico. Cada día en Ki-Ra experimentamos la riqueza de la vida, encontrando tiempo para reconectarnos con nuestros propios ritmos. ¡En Ki-Ra puedes disfrutar de paseos por el jardín botánicos, áreas apartadas para meditaciones, terapias naturales efectivas y una variedad de actividades extras! Ofrecemos retiros y talleres a medida y a menudo colaborando con otros profesionales y maestros. Nuestra comida es de la Tierra, y todo está preparado con amor y conocimiento de la cocina tropical curativa.

Conozca a nuestro equipo
Kyra Montagu is a Naturopathic doctor, specializing in Herbal medicines, Ayurvedic practices, Tropical Nutrition, Holistic Healing therapies and Yoga. Kyra trained in Spain, the UK and India and continues to learn about life and healing daily! 5 kids and multiple interests keep Kyra on her toes and she fully enjoys the rich and beautiful life she feels honored to share with her family and friends. Ki-Ra is a lifelong dream and commitment that Kyra is creating with Simon and the tribe and daily there are challenges that open opportunities to discover a more conscious way of living. The Dominican Republic is a stunningly diverse and beautiful country somewhat undiscovered and Kyra is passionate about giving back to this haven where she grew up, opening her doors to people from all over the globe, as well as being dedicated to connecting with people through holistic therapies and practices. Kyra has enthusiastic passion for nature, all things holistic and for consciously helping people find balance in their lives.
Simon Furlonger grew up in the English countryside and has always felt a close connection with nature. Understanding the universe and our place in it has been a lifelong passion, which has led him to study the sciences, comparative religion, history and the ancient traditions, and this has given him the understanding of the principles upon which Ki-Ra is based.
Jordan is our marketing and brand manager who came all the way from Portland Oregon to support Ki-Ra. She is the brains behind any communication you have with us and is passionate about spreading the story and essence of Ki-Ra.
She is also a dedicated yoga teacher and student. Over the past 5 years she has immersed herself in yoga and holistic health practices and loves assisting with retreats and guiding classes here at Ki-Ra. She is focused on inward exploration and strives to create an inclusive space for all levels of those curious about yoga.
Karen is originally from Guyana, South America. She recently moved to The Dominican Republic from New York City to pursue her dream of returning to life in the Caribbean, while immersing herself in yoga, meditation and holistic healing.
She fell in love with Ki-Ra upon arrival and instantly felt drawn to the familiar energy of the land, the sense of community and healing one immediately feels when the Ki-Ra experience begins.
Karen is our Property Manager and overall operations guru. She makes sure this place is running smoothly from top to bottom to ensure you have a seamless experience during your stay with us. She comes to us with over 20 years experience in management, sales, health, fitness, nutrition and high end customer service.
She has a heart of gold, ready to welcome each and every one of you with open arms and a vibrant smile.
“If you don’t go within you go without.”